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self musing

Self Musing, a space where introspection meets expression. Here, I delve into the depths of my thoughts, emotions, and experiences, exploring the intricate tapestry of my inner world. Through musings that range from moments of clarity to reflections on life's complexities, a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. A place where introspection becomes art, and each thought is a brushstroke on the canvas of my soul."

What if I told you the word "Pretty" is a skin deep, Six letter prison to put you in. -Nikita Gill

SITA OR SATI. . "Born in fire inured, Deeply wound in so called Love, I, in flaming chromosomes linked with the lynched natal bond."- Lakshmisree Banerjee

~संचित~ 🌺 . What are we, if not an Accumulation of our memories?

Blend in, observe more! . Effective observation often comes from being a fly on the wall. Masking helps you blend in and gain insights into genuine behaviors and social cues.

~Lagom. Just the right amount of🌺.

Mastering the art of Mirror Selfies. 🌼

~महावर~🌺 . . Dancing feet , Blossoming dreams!

Let nature be your medicine! 🌺

Gentle Greens ! 🌱 . . House is made of Brick & Stone but a Home is made of Love Alone.


Little do we know, Minimizing Self- Criticism is one of the ways to forgive and accept ourselves. 🌺

Hustle makes Way, to Hushed Murmurs; Of Stories Untold, the Ones they'll Always Beholds. Always! 🌺

Seeker~🌅🌼🌠 Seeking answers through a window's lens.

Dreaming Secretly~🌾🦚🐣

Holding dreams close, like whispered secrets.

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